Sunday, October 17, 2021

Blue Chip Crypto’s Mark Smith and his journey from FOREX to Cryptocurrency

Mark Smith, Co-Founder of Blue ChipCrypto, talks about his successful journey from traditional finance to partnering in one of the nation’s fastest-growing Crypto Portfolio Builders / Education and Consultant companies.

With his Finance Degree from Michigan State in 1988, Mark set out to prove himself.  Mark started out in Engineering School at MSU but always had an affinity to business.  A truly diverse course load included, finance, accounting, economics but his favorite class was investments.  Mark started with The Equitable right out of college.  Selling insurance and mutual funds.  But after purchasing the workbook “Trading Commodities”, charting and trading really piqued his interest.  He loved this book learned all about technical analysis.  Since this was before the internet, Mark needed to purchase a weekly chart book that arrived on Mondays and update manually.  There were also some smaller charts too in Investors Business Daily. 

After 6 years Mark set out for new challenges.  He went on to get 5 more securities licenses and became Chartered Financial Consultant and Chartered Life Underwriter.  He specialized in active money management strategies.  After significant research, Flexible Plan Investments rose to the top.  Out of thousands of representatives, Mark became a Golden Eagle (20 million dollars under management) in 2000.  The company had great success for his clients, so Mark decided to go work with the company as a Regional Vice President to recruit, train and support other advisors.  This is where he met David Torres.     

The like-minded individuals decided that they would build a securities branch of other reps.  Mark brought his licenses and trading ability and Dave his attention to detail.  Dave could design a plan like no other. They are a formidable team that has brought great success. During this time Mark also was heavily invested in learning to trade the Forex market.  Mark worked with a software company and began to travel (no zoom back then) to do presentations for other trading groups.  Recruiting, training, and trading was Mark passion.  This eventually led to Mark leaving the branch and David. Mark said, "The great thing about the Forex market was that you could trade 24 hours a day 5 days a week, but staying up all night in trades leads to burnout; and so, I was fried."

In college, Mark was an intern for the largest health insurance companying in Michigan. I took my recruiting and training skills to this market and built a group of Agents that sold the brand new ObamaCare product.  Although challenging, it was another successful endeavor.  Even though Dave and Mark went in different directions, they never lost touch.  During this time is when Dave ventured into cryptocurrencies.  Each lunch and conversation brought more crypto talk and Mark wanted nothing of it.  In the rally into the winter of 2018, Mark was watching prices skyrocket and was getting an itch to check it out.  Following the downturn in 2018-19, crypto returns came back to earth, but the seed was planted and Blue Chip Crypto was born.

The more Mark studied the market and learned, the more fascinating it became. The beginning of institutional adoption and maturing of the market created a perfect storm to get involved in this new asset class. Although he has only been in the market for 18 months, Mark has the trading and technical skills to tackle this arena, and now, combined with Dave Torres, the sky is the limit for Blue Chip Crypto.  “Buy Low – Sell High.  Prices will never be lower than they are now, and mass adoption will create a tsunami of institutional money like we have never seen before.  The greatest transfer of wealth is upon us.”

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